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Monday, July 30, 2012

God Means Forever

       I just want to let you know up front that today's Blog comes right out of my Upper Room daily devotional for Monday, July 30th. I encourage you all to get a copy and read it! As a matter of fact I encourage you to find and read a Daily Devotional on a regular basis and if you can carve out the time read more the one! The simple truths that come from them, I find uplifting, challenging and invaluable! The passage used today is from Psalm 136, read it all. In it the phrase "His love endures forever" appears 26 times! A reminder to us that when God tells you that He will Love you forever, He means it! Unfortunately there have been people in my life and maybe in yours that told you that and then did not keep their promise! Boy that really hurts. That is why it is so vital for us to know that when God tells us that, He means it! As the devotional says, maybe you are one of those people out there right now who needs to hear this? God's Love endures forever! And you know what, this continues to hold true even when we screw up! God's love for you is the same today as it was yesterday and it will be the same come tomorrow! Now, allow God's love for you to refresh you and then go out and refresh someone else you know who needs to know this!
         Your Brother in Christ, Pastor Rick Koch             Dutchtown Church      

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Cold Calls"

      When you usually hear the term "Cold Calls" it often times refers to a salesman stopping by a business without an appointment trying to sell them their product. Or if you are a fan of the T.V. show "American Pickers", it refers to these two guys walking up to someones house and knocking on their door with the hope of looking around their place hoping to find Antiques or collectibles. But this phrase also is one that we Pastor's use as well when it comes to visiting someone for the first time and often times without an appointment. I find myself doing this quite often. Just last week I was asked to visit a lady in a local Nursing Home whose family expected her to die soon. As is my practice, I always pray ahead of time before a visit, but especially in cases like this when I am not certain of what I am walking into. When I walked into the room, there I found this lady whom was clinging to every breath. With her was one of her sons and his wife whom I also did not know. "How do I make a connection here Lord" was my silent prayer. After exchanging introductions there could have been an anxious time where I wondered what to say next. But then I saw the TV was on with a show I recognized from the Discovery channel.  I asked if it was on just to have a little noise in the room, which is often the case, or if they were fans of the show. They said they were waiting for the reruns to begin of "Deadlist Catch"! A show that I am a hugh fan of! From that point on the conversation flowed freely. This couple no longer saw me as a stranger intruding into a very private and difficult time of their lives, but instead as a Pastor who was also a real person. This never would have happened had I not been in prayer earlier to have God pave the way for this visit. This Cold Call turned into a moment of Ministry to this son and his wife as they hurt watching Mom take her last breathes. I pray for you this day as God may call upon you to make a Cold Call to a person in need. To a person who needs the love of Christ that only you can give. May the Holy Spirit grant you strength this week when He calls you to minister to someone you may not know!
    You are in my Prayers, Pastor Rick Koch         

Monday, July 16, 2012

Character Building

     I find myself watching the USA Channel at home alot. Mostly because I enjoy watching the re-runs of NCIS. This channel advertises their shows with the slogan, "Characters are Welcome". Meaning that they have many colorful and entertaining actors and actresses in their line-up of shows. I have found myself thinking about that word, Character a lot lately. And I am not talking about actors, but instead about the meaning of the word "Character" we find in the Word of God that Christ calls us to live out.
   Proverbs 31 speaks of what it means to be a women of noble character. In Romans, Paul tells us that Character produces hope and in I Corinthians we are told that "bad company corrupts good character". Character is one of those traits that we earn in life. It is also one of those traits that those we rub elbows with, give to us. People with Character seek to be mature, humble & honest people. People with Character are well respected by their peers and God. People with Character are quick to listen and slow to speak. People of Character are those that you and I want to be like. So the question for today is, "Are you a person striving always to be seen as such a person"? When the Father looks from heaven at you, does He proclaim, "This is my child in whom I am well pleased?" Now there is a goal to work towards!   
Love You all. Have a Blessed week! Pastor Rick Koch

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Million Dollar Rain

    The last two weeks have brought record breaking temperatures and high humidity to our area that we have not seen in many years. Often times we get a few days here and there of high temps and humidity that are oppressive, but then it breaks and we get those cool evenings where we can open up the windows at night and enjoy the evening air and give our air cconditioners a break. This present weather pattern has caused stress on our crops, not to mention the stress to our farmers! The heat we have had can sap ones energy in a matter of minutes. But, in the midst of these weeks we have had two rain showers in our area that our farmers commonly call "Million Dollar Rains". Rains which have not only quenched the thirst of our crops and gardens, but have as well eased the stress that these same farmers have been under as they have worried about the outcome of this Falls harvest. These rains have also brought a bit of cooler air and lower humidity. Maybe now I will not have to run at 5:00 a.m. now! We'll see.
      These past two weeks weather patter remind me of the oppressing chaos that ensues in our world today. Problems in our homes, our schools, our nation and the world at large have also dealt us several severe blows. In times like these we need to stay strong in our Faith in Christ. For God promises us even amidst these "Droughts of Life" to send the rain. In Deuteronomy chapter 28 God lays before the children of God all of the ways He wants to bless us if we stay faithful and obedient to Him. Verse 12 says this, "The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands".  This rain God speaks of is not simply that that falls from the sky, but even more so the Rain of His goodness into our lives when we are emotionally & spiritually in a drought! So call out to Christ when you face a time like this and He will send into your heart a "Million Dollar Rain".
       Love you all, Pastor Rick   

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Wedding Reflection

      This past Saturday night I had the joy of going to Megan Patterson & her new husband Scott's Wedding Reception. It was so good to be able to celebrate with them, their families and folks from our Church and the small communities they grew up in. Beckie & I enjoyed visiting with those at our table and many others as well. Throughout the evening the Pastoral side of me kicked in several times while I was people watching. On one occasion, as I watched many of the young adults as they enjoyed one another's company on the dance floor I sensed in thier demeaner a self confidence in themselves, in the educations that they had recieved and a abundance of energy that comes with youth! I miss that energy part! Then I pondered and prayed and hoped that each one of them would not only depend on themselves in thier youth but, have a Dependence upon God in thier lives as well. A dependence that is necessary as those who are married will rely upon God to daily strengthen thier marriages. A dependence upon God for those who are still searching for meaning to thier lives, looking to God as they seek out that special someone or perhaps are looking for some affirmation in the world where they mostly hear critisim.
      What about yourself? How much are you depending upon God and His direction in your life? Where are you looking for help? Why do we so often turn to God last when all of our resources have dried up? Questions I ask myself far way to many times in my life when I try and go it alone. When all the time God is calling out to me to look up and know that He is the most Dependable person you and I will ever find! Help is not far away and it comes in the person we know as Jesus!                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Love You All and more Importantly God Loves You as well! Pastor Rick Koch  Dutchtown Church