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Monday, September 9, 2013

Presenting Your Bait

I know that most of you have heard the old adage, "You catch more flies with honey, then you do with vinegar". The idea that sweetness wins out over sour all the time. Let me tell a little story about another way to look at this adage. A while back while fishing, an 8 year old boy come by and as I was reeling in he looked at the worm on my hook and said, "Mister, your not gonna catch much with an old beat up worm like that one." He then proceeded to tell me how his dad taught him how important it is to "Present" your bait properly. In other words there is a right and wrong way to hook a worm or minnow and a right and wrong way to tie on a lure. Of course he was right!    
In much the same way this is an important issue when it comes to our Faith. More importantly , "How we share our Faith". When talking to your friends who do not know Christ or who do not go to Church, how do you present Him or your Church to others? Are you making both look appealing? Are you living a life that looks appealing to them as well? How are you presenting your bait? Boy, it really is true that there are many lessons we can learn from children. And on a side note, after taking his advice, I caught more fish! Love ya' All, Pastor Rick Happy Fishin"       

Monday, August 26, 2013

Kodak Moment

I'm Baaaack! God Blessed my wife and I with a wonderful vacation! For us it was close to perfect that we could get. I will not bore you with the details of our traveloge, but instead say that I am grateful to God that I can take this time with my wife a couple of times a year. For there was a time when I could barely afford the gas to go and see family for a day or two, much less take a real vacation. If you are there now, do not ever give up hope in God that He does not want this for you, keep trusting in Him and living for Him. There was one time during our week when I found myself quoting my dad. We had rented a pontoon boat for the day to enjoy on the lake and mid afternoon as we were viewing the beauty of God's creation, I uttered a phrase my dad would often say while we would be fishing on Lake Mead in Nevada, I kicked back in my captain's chair and said, "I wonder what the rich people are doing today!" For as far as I was concerned they couldn't be enjoying life anymore then I was at that point in time. Thank you Jesus for this "Kodiak Moment" for me and for the blessing of this Sabbath time. Love Ya' All Pastor Rick      

Monday, July 29, 2013

Yesterday in worship we had Holy Communion. This morning I went to our Church kitchen and got out my communion kit that I use to take Communion to those who could not be in worship. I had just put some of the fresh bread in my kit and was then going to put some of the grape juice in my little jar from the kit when I found that none was left  from the day before. Now what, but there I saw in the fridge some Capri sun grape kids drinks. This should work. So I began to put the juice from one of these kids drinks in my jar and found out it was White Grape juice! Even though it tasted just like any other grape juice, it just wasn't going to work for Holy Communion! I found it hard to talk about the blood of Christ spilt on the cross for you and I, while in the cup was a clear drink. 
Symbols can be very powerful object lessons! Just like red grape juice must be used to remind you and I of what Christ did for us on the Cross. For the forgiveness that He offered and the Salvation that comes unto us in no other way and in no other name. So the next time you take Communion, don't just taste the grape juice or wine, also look deeply at the color of that drink and remember then not just the power of this symbol, but more importantly that there is power in the blood of Christ! 
Love ya' All Pastor Rick     

Monday, July 22, 2013

"I Got One"

I spent last week at Church Camp with 29 3rd & 4th graders. I could tell you many things about that camp experience, but today I share simply one that took place on Thursday and lasted only one hour and forty-five minutes. During that time frame I had 8 campers signed up to go fishing. That is how many poles I had! Helping me was a teen-age guy, Aiden, who was great help and very patient! There was also one dad whose time was dedicated to his autistic son. In that short time span these campers went through 8 dozens wiggly worms! I heard a lot of, "Darn, he got away"! But I also heard a chorus of "I got one"! You would have thought these kids were reeling in Moby Dick from their excitement and commotion that took place, when much of the time it was a bluegill no larger then my hand. When the bait was all gone they had reeled in over 40 fish! As they made their way back up to the camp, the fishing stories were already being told and re-told! And the fish kept getting bigger!
      The heat that afternoon was relentless, but it got over shadowed by 8 little campers with stories to take back home. Thank you Lord for this miraculous catch and for the smiles You put on their faces!
      Love ya' All Pastor Rick 

Monday, July 15, 2013

"I'm Getting Old"

“I’m Getting Old”

There, Ahh, I had just sat down in my Adirondack chair around the Campfire while attending Church Camp with my 8-year-old grandson Ty. I was about to bite in my smore when Ty proclaims to me, “Grandpa, I’m bored!” Bored, how could he be bored, we had been going at break neck speed since 10:30 that morning! And now my 56-year-old knees and feet were barking at me.
          There was a time in my life when I could keep up this frantic pace. Earlier in the day, I was right in there keeping up with and at times even out doing some of these teen-age Counselors. But now this comfortable chair beckoned to me. And if it wasn’t Ty wanting to do something else, it was those same blasted Teen-age counselors telling me stand up again and this time to sing the new “Extended” version of Father Abraham! Come Sunday morning, when I am to be at my best, all I could think of was hoping the Ibuprofen would kick-in quicker! And guess what, I get too do it all over again this coming week as I will be at Church camp once again. I’m gonna’ need a bigger bottle of Ibuprofen!       
Love ya’ All , Pastor Rick

Monday, July 8, 2013

211 miles

211 Miles

A fact that I shared in church yesterday is this. It is just 211 milers from where the Israelites crossed the Red Sea to the Promised Land they were now headed for. So why did it take them 40 years? Because they Complained and Grumbled against God a lot! 211 miles, a distance the average person should be able to walk in less then 2 weeks. Are you beginning to see the correlation between how our complaining and griping to God keeps Him from blessing us? So today, quit living as if you were weaned on a dill pickle and give God the thanks and praise He deserves and then see how much more blessed your life will be.
Love ya’ All Pastor Rick

Sunday, June 30, 2013


    Every year when a new Baseball, Basketball or Football season rolls around for our favorite sports team, the word "Potential" is often times thrown out in describing them. The "Potential" that is within them to do well in the coming season and to make a "little noise" in the playoffs. But then reality sets in and they sputter and spit through out the season and the playoffs simply become a pipe dream. Yet come next year our excitement rises once again as we consider the "Potential" within this years team. We never, ever even consider switching teams! That would be blasphemy! No matter how much they disappoint us we still where proudly the colors of our teams.
    If only we would do this in real life. We all have had friends, relatives, relationships with people around us whose lives have enhanced ours. And we may have even pondered the "Potential" of how much stronger that relationship might be. But then, they wrong us in some way or they do something in their life that we thought was way out of their character, something that causes us to consider breaking relationship with them. And in many cases turning against them with slanderous or hurtful remarks.
    Why is it we treat and support these "Teams" of ours whom at times have players who feel little for us, if anything. Why do we continue to treat them with more respect the we do those we claim to love? One strike though and their out as friends of ours!
  Let us all begin today to be less "Judgemental" of those whom we are close too, and to see the "Potential" in them, even when they screw up! And let us hope and pray as well that they will afford us the same mercy when we mess up.
    From one whom needs to listen to his own words and live them as well! Love Ya' Pastor Rick               

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Live Out Loud"

    Way too many times do we Christians keep our mouths shut when it comes to professing our faith! We so often times think that if we do we are "bothering others" or "being insensitive". And so we fail to talk about Christ and the less we talk about Him the less we live like Him as well. I used in our worship time yesterday a Music Video by Steven Curtis Chapman entitled "Live Out Loud". A song that encourages us in a joyful way to proclaim our faith in Christ daily by living it in such a way that one one can doubt that we are Christians. Below I have hopefully sent you a link to this Video. Once again, please remember how I am at times "Computer Illiteratete"!  Hebrews tells you and I "that we should always be prepared to give a reason for our hope in Jesus Christ". In other words Living and verbalizing our faith out loud daily. May you begin this new week with a renewed commitment to be a stronger witness for Christ and I pray that I will be committed to this as well. Love ya' All The Prodding Preacher Pastor Rick

Monday, June 17, 2013

Thank God for Small Towns

      This morning before making my way out to Church, I went thru my usual ritual of heading to Casey's for coffee a and a cinnamon roll. While there, I ran into three long in the tooth milledgevillian's Barry Imel, Jerry Gibbs and Steve Bazzell where we all talked about Family, farming and fishin'! We asked about babies on the way and shared a joke or two. And we also took time to ask about "the happenings" in each other's lives. In the midst of curing all of the world's ills, we managed to get in the way of a few customers, but it did not deter us from fulfilling our mission of being neighborly with one another. A great small town trait and one of many reasons I have been blessed to call this place home for almost 23 years now! Oh, we have our problems, like any other small town in rural USA, but our blessings abound and are much greater then our woes. Today, if you live in a small town, give a shout out for the goodness you get from living there and try not to focus on what you do not have. Oh, one last thing we four "Long Timers" all had in common as well is, we love our donuts!   
Love ya' All & a special shout out goes to my fellow Milledgevillians & Chadwickians, Pastor Rick

Monday, June 10, 2013

Thank God for Kids!

    Today I simply want to say "Thank You Jesus" for all of the noisy children & Youth at church! It's great to have them in God's house! On an even better note "Thank You Jesus" for all that they do in worship. They light the candles, thay hand out the bulletins. They take up the offering, and they make sure the mic gets passed around during worship. But they also run our Audio/Visual equipment and this past Sunday one even preached in my absence. And you adults thought that you were in charge!  So Dutchtown give God praise for our kids & youth. And for those of you out there in others churches, give thanks as well for the way your youth take part as well in the life of the church. Build these young ones up with your praise and thanksgiving for them and quit gripping when a kid gets nosey in church, that's what kids do and complain no more when a baby cries! That's what babies do, be grateful they are there!
     Love ya' All Pastor Rick  

Monday, June 3, 2013


    I want to share with you a verse on this Monday morning that blesses me. It is the first part of Psalm 68:6, "God sets the lonely in families". Today I am so very thankful to God for the ways that He is putting me back into closer relationship with my own family in recent months. With my Mom and Step-dad Phil, with my sister Sheila and brothers Ron & John. I love you all. But there was a time in my life when I was Lonely and we were seperated in many ways. God blessed me in that time with my wifes family, the Loper Gang! And I was no longer lonely. This coming weekend we will re-new our relationship once again as many of us will travel for hours to gather at a an old rustic camp in southern missoura' to laugh & cry, swim & eat and of course to canoe! We have now been doing this every other year for over twenty years. Travel safe Loper Gang!
     God also has a way of "setting the lonely" of us out there in Church Families who love us, feed us and care for us and offer us the opportunity to do the same for others. Church familes He has drawn us too. Today if you are part of such a Faith Family, give God Praise! Yeah, I know that every once in a while they miss the boat in their calling from God, but most of the time they are "Spot On" in their care for us! So give God thanks for them. And for those of you out there without a Faith Family, God has one waiting to love you, care for you and to make you feel lonely no more. Of course I invite those on you in this area to consider my Church, but most importantly I invite you to find the place where you "Fit" and I pray for you Churches and Christians out there to embrace those who are searching for a Faith Family. Make the Lonely in our midst feel at home in your midst. Love ya' All, Pastor Rick       

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Vacation Season

    For several years in a row now Beckie and I have taken a week's vacation to the same place, White Tail Crossing Resort on Lake Shelbyville. Once in a while people will ask us about where we went or why we keep going back, as we will again this August. A few listen intently, thinking maybe they would like this place as well. But most have a hard time grasping the joy we find there simply because, "You have to be there and experience it for yourselves". I hope others of you have places like this that draw you back year after year, places others my not understand why, but you do!
      Worship is like that! We gather every Sunday throughout the year, week after week in the same place. The bulletin's look the same, but each Sunday is always different in some way. We never really know how the Holy Spirit is going to move. Trying to explain this glorious event to those who have never been or go just every once in a while is like trying to tell them about your vacation experience! You have to have been there to experience it! The majesty of God, the cries of a baby, the words of an old familiar hymn, smiles as a Mom tells of her child's accomplishments, tears as pray over a difficult situation and the list goes on and on. I can try and tell you all about what each Sunday means to me, but you cannot see it thru my eyes or my heart.
      So we gather Sunday after Sunday, to see what new thing God will do next and to encounter the ritual that takes place week after to week, that we all need in the aftermath of Chaotic week's.
       So this Summer, enjoy and find peace in that place you call your home away from home, but more importantly make time to find Christ week after week as you worship in the Church of your choice!
      Love ya' Pastor Rick Koch       

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Crack of the Window

    Yesterday morning when I left Church after services, I left the window in my office that faces South cracked open no more then a half an inch wide. I had opened it earlier that morning to get some fresh air in the office after having been gone for a week. Then came Sunday night's Storms. I had forgotten that I had left open the window just this small crack, but that half inch space proved to be more then enough for those storms to play havoc with my office! The fierce winds pushed rain water thru that crack in the window, dampening many things and ruining others. Carpet was wet as was my desk. A few books ruined as well as my stereo, a it was still sitting in a puddle when I arrived. I only have myself to blame. The damage could have been much worse, but it was damage that could have been prevented.
       It causes me to ponder how at many times we grow lazy in our Faith, leaving open windows of contentment and complacency, maybe we pray less then we used too or we don't crack open God's Word as much as we should. Finding time to serve others doesn't happen as much as it used too for we have now filled our calendars with more "Me Time". And our Worship attendance takes a hit as well as we allow too many things to take God's place as the one we worship.
   Why do we do this? Because we have given satan a "Crack in our Windows of Faith" allowing him to blow into our lives with such a damaging wind, a tornado of havoc he can play upon our spiritual lives.
    We cannot give the devil any footholds in our lives friends! For the devastation he can bring about is life altering. Have you checked your windows of faith lately to make sure NO falsehoods are blowing in?  Well, I gotta go, for I still have mess to clean up! Love Ya' Pastor Rick      

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Reflection

Paul speaks to us all in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
      At times this can be a confusing passage for some. "God, just how are you going to use this painful situation I face, for good?" I have asked that myself. Today I want to share one way I have had this promise answered.
     Yesterday was Mother's Day as you all know. At this time last year my Mother and I, along with my step-father were NOT talking to one another. As a matter of fact we had not talked for well over a year. Many of you might now think, "How can this be! You being a Christian and a Pastor? "I don't get it!" I am not proud of this, nor will I try and justify myself or go into my families painful and broken past.   
    Then late last year I found out my Mom was in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Right away I called home and on that day had a good conversation with my step-dad. All was not made right in that moment, but we are now in a re-building time in our relationship. I was even able to visit them in late January of this year.
    Through this terrible disease, good is now coming. God found a way to put myself and my mom back together again. So what situation is in your life right now, where you cannot see the "light at the end of the tunnel". A situation you are in where you find yourself questioning why God has put this in your lap. Never give up Hope! Never give up on God! Never give up on yourself! Love ya' Pastor Rick
P.S. Happy Mother's Mom, I Love You and I miss you! Your son Rick

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Little Marriage Wisdom

      This past Saturday I had my first Wedding of the new wedding season ahead for me. I said a lot things at that service, but there were Two pieces of Wisdom I shared with the couple that I now share with you are are planing a wedding and to you who are married. First, have Christ as the third strand in a rope not easily broken. Don't simply claim to believe in God, but claim His Son as Lord of your lives. If both husband and wife do this the success rate for your marriage sky rockets! Second, each morning when you awake and roll over in bed and see your spouse, begin anew each day to put their needs, wants, desires and dreams ahead of your own. But some of you will say, "What about me? I Have needs and dreams as well!" You see if both of you are striving to put the other first, your needs, wants and dreams will be fulfilled, for you both will want the best for each other. Two simply put pieces of advice. Yet, two pieces of advice not always easy to live out. God desires strong, vital and love filled marriages for us all. We simply have to put in the effort. My prayers are with as you seek too live out your faith in Christ and as you seek to out do each other in acts of love. Love ya' Pastor Rick       

Monday, April 29, 2013


   This past weekend I took part in three different worship services and one of them was not the one at Dutchtown! At a Conference I was at on Saturday, where I was a presenter, the day began with worship where we had a Charismatic, dynamic speaker who captivated all! When the conference was over we ended in a service filled with praise music up on "The Big Screen". A service filled with prayers and brief messages of hope. There we also had Communion. Then on Sunday we visited in our Daughter Mandy's Church where our grandson Ty was in a play. Very Heart-warming! But the rest of the service was one filled with old hymns, familiar passages, The Lord's prayer. Very Traditional in nature. Neither of these services was what we typically have at Dutchtown, yet I found ways to worship fully in all three. One thing they all did have in common was Christ in the center of all they did, which is right! Within the confines of our small little community of Milledgeville we have 5 small church. all of which have a variety of worship styles. None are wrong and none are completely right. They are simply a variety of ways to encounter Christ! For you who have no Church Home, there is one out there for you! And for you who do have one, embrace your opportunities to worship, remember to keep Christ in the center and as always, participate, don not just spectate! For it is in these places that we grow closer to Christ, if our attention is on Him!
 Love Ya' All! Pastor Rick      

Monday, April 22, 2013

"The Demands of Faith"

     When God says to you and I "Believe" He is demanding something that is totally beyond reason. The definition of faith has to do with something unreasonable and illogical. In Hebrews it says that, "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Does sound a bit far fetched. Yet if you were to continue reading the rest of Hebrews Chapter 11 you would see a entire host of Biblical giants who believed, had hope and because of that hope and belief, the stories they tell us about God's moving in their lives is a powerful one! If Faith's demands are stretching you right now, and I know many of you are wondering how much further you can be stretched, I encourage you to read this Chapter and then move on into chapter 12 as there Paul gives to us a little Pep Talk about what is possible for you and I to accomplish because of the Great Cloud of Believer's  who have came before us. Both those in the Bible and those in your own personal lives. Someday, because of the demands of Faith and your perseverance, you can and will be a part someone else's Great Cloud of Witnesses.
Love ya" Pastor Rick   

Monday, April 15, 2013

Moans & Groans

   Yesterday in worship when we came to our time to share our prayer requests and a deafening silence came over he church. I shared about a few folks and there printed for us all in the bulletin was a very long sheet of friends, loved ones and fellow Dutchtowners who coveted our prayers. Now in years past I would have been concerned about the quiet that overcame us. But today the Holy Spirit let me know that it was OK Rick. Don't push things. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of one of His gifts to us as told in Romans 8:26-27. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will". Voices were not speaking, but hearts filled with groans and silence spoke out to God in their time of need. Today, maybe you are in this same place. Not knowing how to pray or what to say, yet deep within you your heart you are crying out to God. Know today that the Holy Spirit is right there with you interceding on your behalf before our Father in Heaven. So don't think that you have to fill the air with wordy prayers for God to know your heart, He can hear your moans and groans. Love ya' Rick         

Monday, April 8, 2013


  Often times we look at the apostle Paul and see in his life that when he was "Sifted" in terms of how strong he was in his faith we see him as failing time and again. But let's take another look, After he denied Christ three times as Jesus had told him he would, I see a man looking into the eyes of Christ and melting inside. Scripture tells us that he "Wept bitterly". In Hebrew it means that "he cried a piercing, violent cry". I try to picture him running off , falling to the ground with his hands outstretched crying out to the Father, "He was right, I did not listen, forgive me Father for I love your Son". Like Peter there are times when our Faith will be "Sifted". And there will be times when we think that we have failed God, family and church miserably. But in the aftermath of those times if you find yourself repentant and seeking God's face, you and I have simply stumbled a bit. In those times Satan wants us to beat ourselves up and to think that God wants nothing to do with us. But DO NOT listen to him, he is a liar! For God loves us even in the midst of our struggles and failures. Just look what he did thru Peter and now imagine what He can do thru you! Love ya' All Pastor Rick  

Monday, April 1, 2013

In Loving Memory

Yesterday in our worship bulletin we had like many of you may have had an insert with the names of families who donated a flower or two to enhance our worship experiences on this Easter Sunday past. My wife and I bought two pots of tulips. One in memory of her mother, Janice and one in memory of my dad, Dick. I did not get a chance to look at this list until just this morning. As I read through it I rejoiced and had sadness in my heart as well, when I thought about Beckie's mom. She was a down to earth, country women, who loved the Lord Jesus and one as well that died way to early of cancer as have many of your loved ones. I sit here today certain of her place at Jesus side in Heaven. And then there is my Dad, a man who died early as well. But he from alcoholism and emphasima. My Dad whom once told me that he was glad that I had "My Thing" refering to my faith in Jesus. His eternal future I believe to be a bleak and painful one. Yet, I still sit here today, thinking back on how thay both impacted my life. I sit trying to forget the bad things and only focus on the good. I sit here today pondering Hope and grateful for it. May the Hope of Easter be with you, not just for a season, but always. Love Ya' All Pastor Rick       

Monday, March 25, 2013

When Life is Put on Hold

         A few weeks ago when Beckie and I took a vacation to Florida to see some dear friends, we got to the airport and found that our flight was delayed about an hour and one half. What a bummer! We were all stoked and ready to be on our way to the warmer winds of Florida and now here we sit in the airport with many other anxious mid-westerner's wanting to feel once again the warmth of the sun on our face. There were those who took it all in stride and others yet who were angered. But when we found out that the delay was because they needed to "De-ice" the plane from were it was coming from, attitudes quickly changed as we all realized that it was all for our safety.
        You and I are no different when it comes to faith issues as well. We want God to answer prayers now and not in His time. The word wait as you see is just another foul four letter word in our vocabulary! But, don't you just hate it when there is, BUT! But when we wait, even anxiously on the Lord His promise to you and I is to grant us Hope in the matter we are anxious about. He promises to renew our strength as He wait for His guidance. This coming Easter Season, a season of Hope, New Life and Miracles, be still and "Wait" for what God has in store you. And if you find it hard to wait upon Him, maybe your heart needs to be "De-iced" so that you are open to the goodness of God that comes in those waiting times.   
      Have a joyous and Blessed Holy Week, Love Ya' Pastor Rick      

Monday, March 18, 2013

Filling out my Brackets

    Like millions of other people, I as well will be filling out my bracket for this years NCAA Basketball tournament. I love doing this! I pour over each match-up trying to consider each fact available to me so that I can make the best choice. And then of course there comes into play, my favorites which I cannot help but pick and then there are those "Gut Feelings" that I get about certain games. Each and every decision I make is a "Judgement Call" about why I feel one team is better then another. And now while considering my Judgement calls about each game, it occurs to me that I/We do the same thing day in and day out when we make "Judgement Calls" about people we encounter. In a matter of just a few seconds we often times make "Judgement Calls" about new people we meet, the driver in the car in front of us, the lady behind us at the check-out counter at the grocery store, the guy not dressed like me at the ball game and I could go on and on, but you get the point by now. In I Samuel 16:7 this is God's word to you and I, "Do not consider his appearance nor his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." So, this coming week, enjoy making those "Judgement Calls" as you fill out your brackets, but also begin today getting to know a persons heart before you make a judgement call about them and I pray that the person looking at you who is about to make that judgement call about you will do the same. God Bless and have a Great Week! Pastor Rick

Monday, March 11, 2013

My Own Pillow

   My wife and I just got back from spending a few days in Florida with some dear friends. Whenever I go away I often times find it hard to rest well. Being in a different bed and my head lying on a strange pillow. I seem to toss and turn a bit more then usual. I am always thankful to get back to my own bed and pillow where when my heads hits it at night, all is right in my own little world and I rest better.
   Throughout the Scriptures the word "Rest" is scattered amidst it's pages dozens of times. WHY? You see God wants you and I to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is He that grants us perfect rest in this world filled with Chaos and calamity. Listen to Christ's own words in Matthew 11:28: "Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I WILL give you rest." What a blessed promise from our Lord! So on this day allow Jesus to be that perfect pillow that allows you the rest that you need from the "Dog eat Dog" world. May God's richest blessings be upon you all. Love Ya' Pastor Rick  

Monday, February 25, 2013

"Chewing on the Cud"

    "Chewing on the cud" is an old expression meaning to: "give great thought to" or it is something to cause us "to be patient in our decision making". The generations from the 1920's, 30's & 40's are ones whom I remember as people who would "Chew on the Cud". No quick decisions made, instead a time of contemplation would take place, then a decision made. I laid to rest this past Saturday a dear sister in the Lord, Jane Chaffee, leaving our Church with few people from these generations. We are a younger Church and gratful to God for these young families and their kids. But boy do we miss at times those voices of wisdom, grandfathers and grandmothers of those now in leadership. I miss them and the wisdom they would pass down to me. Even at 55, I still am not one to pause and "Chew on the Cud" enough. But today I thank God for those past Saints who have graced the doors of our Church and of yours who are now with Christ. And I pray that those of my generation and the ones before and after mine, that they will pause more often and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us with the same wisdom He gave in the past to names and people who are now our Great Cloud of Witnesses! Thank You for these folks of the past and for those now in leadership, like myself, to "Chew a bit longer" as the Holy Spirit leads us.
Love ya' All, Pastor Rick Dutchtown    

Monday, February 18, 2013

Replacing Fear with Hope

Imagine if you can sitting in your home one afternoon looking out your window at the small river that runs gently thru your tiny town. Now imagine hearing a roar getting ever louder. You go outside to see what's making this noise, you look upstream and that quiet little river is now about to become a raging wall of water that you have little or no time to prepare for. In a matter of just a few hours, much of your sleepy little village in the Catskill mountains has now been literally washed down stream. This is what happened to the little town of Prattsville, New York in the wake of Hurricane Irene. It was here that I and many others have had the privilege of  helping to help replace the fear of that day and the fear of "What Now" by being a part of the re-building process. And it was just that a privilege for me, for this little town to allow me to come in and to do the small part I could do in Christ's name as they are now moving from fear and into Hope! To much of a story to tell in this little Blog spot. But I story I will gladly share with you, your church or your organization if you would like. Today I thank Jesus for this opportunity I had and I look forward as well to the next time I get to serve. Please keep Prattsville and other small burgs tucked into the Catskills who have similar stories like this. Pastor Rick Dutchtown Church      

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Super Bowl Blessing

    Well it is true that my Niner's blew it in the big game and I am now ready for the onslaught of jibes and jeers! But before the game ever started I received a blessing that NO football game could ever give me. There I was all alone in my living room ready for the Kick-off when they introduced the Elementary school Choir from Newtown, Connecticut. These children did a fantastic rendition of "America", while this 55 year old man stood in his living room blubbering the entire time with his hand over his heart. If that were not blessing enough the Color Guard then walked out onto the field bearing the colors of each of the armed services. And just as Alicia Keyes began to sing our National Anthem, the camera cut away to our men and women serving in Kabul, Afghanistan. Tears rolled even harder now, just as they are as I write these words today! When all was said and done, I stood there awestruck. All of a sudden the game itself was just that a game! We are a blessed people to live where we do. And on that Super Bowl night I was reminded of just that. Thank God for resilient children,  for men and women who protect us faithfully and for the gift of music to move and motivate us! Love You All, Pastor Rick Koch - Dutchtown Church       

Monday, January 28, 2013

"Entertaning VS Hospitality"

   I like watching HGTV with my wife every now and then. They have some neat shows. But one of the things that really gets my goat when watching "House Hunters" is that every now and then some young couple will turn there nose up at a house because they cannot see themselves being able to "Entertain" there friends in this space. Hey, if I would to be entertained in my home I simply have the grand kids over. They are always good for a laugh or two!
   But now on the flip side is this word, this Godly Trait called "Hospitality".  It is much more then simply having friends over for dinner. Hospitality is welcoming people into your life. It is opening your home, your Church and your arms to people around you. It is a warm smile and a firm handshake. It is a Hug that offers hope and a kind word that  Builds up. It is knowing your neighbors and those you sit with in church. It is ministering to those in need, even if you do not know there name. Hospitality is a Christ like gift that I see slowly disappearing from we Christians as we allow ourselves to get to busy in our lives. Consider today how Christ is calling you to share Hospitality to some one around you. It will be like a breathe of fresh air.
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it" Hebrews 13:2 Love ya' All Pastor Rick Koch - Dutchtown Church

Monday, January 21, 2013

Paul the Penguin

   This past Saturday at our Church, our board spent a little time talking about ways to improve our Church. I then decided to let the Children help us out a bit. So during Children story on Sunday I asked them to tell me a few things they would like to change at Church. The list included such items, a trampoline, playground equipment, a cotton candy machine, a Penguin and a place to go Ice Fishing and more! Earlier this morning as I was thinking about their list God gave me a way to fulfill one of their wishes, a way that would also enhance our Children stories over the next few weeks. And that was to get a Penguin stuffed animal, to name him Paul in honor of the Apostle Paul and then in weeks to come to let Paul and I tell stories about this famous relative of his. So while I was in Sterling, Illinois I set to to find this stuffed Penguin. An easy task I thought with the popularity of Penguins these days. Don't you just love "Happy Feet"! Anyway, I went to store after store with little luck. In one store they had a penguin you pulled, but it was the colors of the rainbow, nah! The next store had one that lights us the ceiling for a very hefty price. The next one had a plastic one that held blocks, but NO Penguin stuffed. toy. When leaving one store I saw off in a corner a Carnival game. The one with a small crane that you let down and try to pluck the toy of your dreams for just one dollar. In there was just the penguin I wanted. I went through a lot of ones that morning to no avail. I did finally find my Penguin. In my search of frustration, it came to me just how much God pursues us with his love. A pursuit of us in which He never gives up! No matter how many times we may turn our back to Him and his Son Jesus, He stays ever constant, always holding out to us His vast love. Have you let God catch you yet? If so you know of this Love that I am speaking of. Or are you still keeping our all loving God at bay? Stop for a moment and allow Him to engulf you with Love you have never, ever known before.
     I Love You all, but God Love's you more! Pastor Rick Koch, Dutchtown Church   

Monday, January 14, 2013


    When was the last time you told someone that you "Treasure Them". Have you ever told anyone this? Think about it for a moment. To express such care and affection for someone that you tell them that they are treasured by you, wow! Sunday in worship we talked about just how much God treasures each and everyone of us, that includes you! Hear what a few scriptures say about God's affection for you. Exodus 19:5 "Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession." Then from Deuteronomy 14:2 "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be His treasured possession."
   I share this with you all today for I know that there will be several times in your week ahead, just like in weeks past where you will feel like anything but "Treasured". All around you people will be doing their best with satan at their side to beat you down. To make you feel about as low as a slug. Been there, done that, and it ain't any fun! But then God comes along and reminds you that He has chosen you to be His treasured possession. That YOU are worth more to Him then all of the silver and gold in the world put together. For you SNL veterans out there, can't you here the Church Lady saying, "Well ain't that Special"! But this time without the sarcasm. Sometimes we just need a simple reminder of our place in God's heart. Go out this week now and live like you are treasured and treasure those around you as well.
Have a Blessed and Joy Filled week! Pastor Rick Koch - Dutchtown Church      

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Years Resolutions

So how many of your New Year's resolutions are you still keeping? Or did you simply decide that "Why Bother" I will just break them anyway! I always toy with a few resolutions but sometimes wait a week or so, so that I may pray over it to make sure it'one that God wants me to make ans one that the Holy Spirit will let me know whan I am not keeping it. This year's resolution for myself is to make time in my life away from worship on Sunday to worship Jesus as a need to. For you see often times it is hard fore we Pastor's to fully give ourselves in worship on Sunday as our minds are focused on creating that experience for those in our congregation. Ask your Pastor about this, most will agree with me. And the second part of my New Year's Resolution is to listen to the Holy Spirit when planning worship for each Sunday with the hope that it will reach into the hearts of those who attend here at Dutchtown. To help me in this endeavor I have adopted a theme song from Matt Redmon entitled, "The Heart of Worship". Hopefully I can send you a link to the video. If it does not work out, please look it up for yourselves as it has helped me now for several months as I approach worship each Sunday. As when are now apart of the New Year make worship regular part of your week and I guarantee you that your week will get off to a great start!
   Love ya' All - Pastor Rick Koch Dutchtown Church      

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year's Day Reflection

For many people New Years Day is a time to begin anew. A time to break that bad habit or to start a new good habit. But when I think of New Years Day, I think about Marriage. For you see it was 36 years ago on a frigid New Years Day that Beckie and I were married. Two 19 year olds starting a new life together with so many obstacles to overcome, that they are too many to mention! But the main part of my message today is that those obstacles can be overcome and turn into a strong marriage. A marriage that continues to be ever changing and ever growing. Not that our marriage is a perfect one, but for a few moments now allow me to share with you from a "Guys" perspective what has helped make our marriage a strong one and one that grows with changing times. First and foremost, we both have a faith in Jesus as our Lord and have allowed that faith to grow & mature over the years. We talk about faith issues and we do not always see things the same, but we respect each other's faith views. Second, guys make your wife feel special with each passing day. Find your own way to do this. One way I do this is by giving Beckie a note each day sharing in it a variety of things. What I share with her is between her and myself! Another thing, go out and eat together or if eating at home sit across from one another and spend that time in conversation about what's going on in life. Two more things guys I have to share. One, find things that you can do together that you both have an interest in and then do those things often together. One thing that Beckie and I enjoy is "Antiquing" and so we make time to do that together. And lastly guys, tell your wife often these three little words, "I Love You". There are too many guys that I know that tell me, "She already knows that, why do I have to tell her?" Why because she needs to and wants to hear you say those words. They are refreshment to her heart! Well that is my few words of wisdom for you all for today. I pray that each and everyone of your marriages grow stronger with each new day and that your relationship with Christ does the same.
    Your Brother in Christ, Pastor Rick Koch - Dutchtown Church