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Monday, July 18, 2011

"Paving the Way"

This past weekend I spent a lot of time putting in a new patio by laying Paving bricks in a seven by eight foot area. It is mostly to be a place for me to have my Grill since my wifes flowers have taken over most of the deck! Now, I admit I am NOT a handyman, but putting down a few pavers seemed like a no-brainer. Well needless to say the plan was re-vised multiple times. Some due to my inexperience and at other times because Menards could not do the math! Well this morning, it is mostly done but is not all that level, I will fix that I hope, and it just doesn't quite look like the ones I see on HGTV!
Jesus had a word or two about Pavers! He said that He came to Pave a straight and narrow path for us to follow. We are not to deviate too far left or right, but to stay on the path that he has laid. His path IS level and it IS straight! So why do we think we know better then Christ and go out on our own to pave our own pathway? Don't we get it! One path, one way, no other! So let's stay on it as Christians and as Christ's Church!
For now I am telling myself that I laid the pavers purposely the way I did so that the water would shed off and not pool. Sounds good to me!
Trying to walk the Straight and narrow Pastor Rick

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