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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Teachers Church

Hey Dutchtown & Friends,
A few years back I heard a comment about our church that I liked. In some circles we were known as "The Teacher's Church". Called this because of the many school teachers that were apart of our fellowship. Well as I look through our church directory, I still find that to be true. Now I'm not going to name names, but I count 14 people from Dutchtown involved in eduacation. These individuals teach our kids from Pre-school to High School, Special Education to Drivers Education and even some Councilers. And this number does not include those who are Coaches! As you can see Education is a "Calling" many of you have accepted and live out. I thank God for these individuals and thier families! They have the task of preparing our future world leaders.
In much the same, the Church, has a similiar task. And that is preparing our children, youth and adults with a spiritual education that will guide them in thier Chritian lives. Many of the "Ills" our world faces today is because we are a people who are not in and living out God's Word daily. But we can do something about that in our little corner of the world. On Sunday, September 11th, Sunday School begins at Dutchtown. There are groups of all ages in place to help you in your spiritual life. But one thing we need is Teachers to lead our children. I know of several people who will be working with the various adult groups and I am going to try and lead our High school class! So, I ask you to pray about how you could help our children by giving a portion of your time in the months to come so that we can raise up Godly children and youth here at Dutchtown. I thank those of you now that will be volunteering in the months to come for your ministry is vital to the well-being of those you will be teaching!
God Bless you All, Pastor Rick

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