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Monday, October 15, 2012

"Chance Meetings"

    Last week My wife, Beckie and I spent four days in Door County, Wisconsin. We came to see the color that we had heard so much about and we were NOT disappointed! As we turned down each new road that we had never been on before, there lying ahead of us was just one more breathe taking vista of God's Creation! But what I really want to share with you mostly today about our trip is this story. It was now Tuesday evening and our stomachs began to tell us that it was time to eat once again. WE did a lot of eating last week. As Beckie and I were walking down the stairway in our Inn, just before we walked out of the doors I glanced to my left into the welcoming foyer of our old English Inn. I then turned my head back and said, "Nay", but then turned one more time to my left and off in a corner of the foyer resting were Steve & Karen Bazzell, from Milledgeville. Friends of ours who lived only six or seven houses down the street! Come to find out, they have been coming to Door County for 19 years in a row now and staying at this same place! In the next few days we had severall visits with the Bazzells, shaking our heads each time at this "Chance Meeting" that had taken place.
    When I think back on this "Chance Meeting" I am saddened about how many Christians I know that hope that they get to have that "Chance Meeting" with Christ when their time on this earth is up or if Jesus comes back before then. But the scriptures are firm when thay tell us that we CAN know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our place in heaven is secure. This is what Romans 10:12 says, "Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved!" It does not say "Maybe" or "If you do all the right things", it says EVERYONE! Your meeting Christ in Heaven will not be a Chance Meeting. If you have received Him as your Lord and Savior, your there! No if, ands or buts about it!
   Now go out and live your faith, not trying to earn something, but live it in the Joy of knowing your place in heaven is secure! Your Brother in Christ! Pastor Rick Koch Dutchtown Church   

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