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Monday, June 3, 2013


    I want to share with you a verse on this Monday morning that blesses me. It is the first part of Psalm 68:6, "God sets the lonely in families". Today I am so very thankful to God for the ways that He is putting me back into closer relationship with my own family in recent months. With my Mom and Step-dad Phil, with my sister Sheila and brothers Ron & John. I love you all. But there was a time in my life when I was Lonely and we were seperated in many ways. God blessed me in that time with my wifes family, the Loper Gang! And I was no longer lonely. This coming weekend we will re-new our relationship once again as many of us will travel for hours to gather at a an old rustic camp in southern missoura' to laugh & cry, swim & eat and of course to canoe! We have now been doing this every other year for over twenty years. Travel safe Loper Gang!
     God also has a way of "setting the lonely" of us out there in Church Families who love us, feed us and care for us and offer us the opportunity to do the same for others. Church familes He has drawn us too. Today if you are part of such a Faith Family, give God Praise! Yeah, I know that every once in a while they miss the boat in their calling from God, but most of the time they are "Spot On" in their care for us! So give God thanks for them. And for those of you out there without a Faith Family, God has one waiting to love you, care for you and to make you feel lonely no more. Of course I invite those on you in this area to consider my Church, but most importantly I invite you to find the place where you "Fit" and I pray for you Churches and Christians out there to embrace those who are searching for a Faith Family. Make the Lonely in our midst feel at home in your midst. Love ya' All, Pastor Rick       

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