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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Holy Week

For those of you out there that claim Christ as your Lord and Savior, this coming Sunday marks the beginning of a very sacred time for us. We call it Holy Week. This Sunday in churches around the world the message will go about Christ's entry into Jerusalem or maybe you will hear about the Cross of Christ. That is where Dutchtown will be focusing. As we traverse through this week and we come to Thursday, otherwise known as Maundy Thursday by the Church. A variety of services will be held on that night centering around The Last Supper Jesus had with His disciples. We Brethren call it a Love Feast. At Love Feast embodies we share a simple meal together, we talk around the tables, we celebrate Communion together and we practice serving one another by washing feet, just as Christ did for His disciples on that night. Friday for us is called Good Friday, for on this day we give thanks to God for His one and only Son dying on the Cross for you and I. Milledgeville, like many other small towns will have a community service. Ours is at the United Methodist Church here in town. Then comes Sunday! Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate Christ's Resurrection from the tomb! A day of rejoicing in song and word. Well there it is, Holy Week in a nutshell.
But for most of the world around us this is just another week. Oh, our stores will be advertising to get you to buy new clothes, but those commercials will be filled with pictures of Spring time and Easter Bunnies, with no mention of Jesus coming back to life. You are the ones who will have to set this time apart as holy! To give God His due. So I invite you now to do just that. To commit yourself and your family to make these worship opportunities apart of your week. To let the world know that you are a follower of Christ and that you will show them this by how you live. A wise man once said, "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord".
Have a blessed and joy filled Holy Week! Pastor Rick Koch Dutchtown

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