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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lukewarm Coffee

Hello Faith Filled Friends!
I am a coffee drinker. And I will drink it in a variety of ways. I will take it hot, just black or with cream and sugar in it and I enjoy as well one of those new fancy flavors you can squirt in it. I also have developed a taste for Iced coffee, especially when it is warm outside. BUT, I cannot stand it when I am working at my desk at Church and I reach over to my well worn Pioneer mug and I get a gulp of "Lukewarm" coffee. It makes me want to gag! Yuck!
It is at those times when I am reminded of Christ's words in Revelation 3:15-16 to the Church at Laodicea and to churches just like yours and mine. Those words are, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
Yikes! I know how much I detest lukewarm coffee and now to understand that our Lord and Savior feels the same way about you and I when we only give lip service unto Him. When the deeds of our lives and the deeds of His Church do not match up with what He desires for us. That at this point in time He aches and sighs over us. It calls upon us all to take stock of where we are at in our faith and then to allow the Holy Spirit to renew and to revive us, to be the Children and the Church He knows that we can be! May we all allow the Holy Spirit to move mightily among us being the that Hot cup of coffee or tea if you wish, to the world in need around us.
Your Brother in Christ, Rick Koch

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