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Monday, April 1, 2013

In Loving Memory

Yesterday in our worship bulletin we had like many of you may have had an insert with the names of families who donated a flower or two to enhance our worship experiences on this Easter Sunday past. My wife and I bought two pots of tulips. One in memory of her mother, Janice and one in memory of my dad, Dick. I did not get a chance to look at this list until just this morning. As I read through it I rejoiced and had sadness in my heart as well, when I thought about Beckie's mom. She was a down to earth, country women, who loved the Lord Jesus and one as well that died way to early of cancer as have many of your loved ones. I sit here today certain of her place at Jesus side in Heaven. And then there is my Dad, a man who died early as well. But he from alcoholism and emphasima. My Dad whom once told me that he was glad that I had "My Thing" refering to my faith in Jesus. His eternal future I believe to be a bleak and painful one. Yet, I still sit here today, thinking back on how thay both impacted my life. I sit trying to forget the bad things and only focus on the good. I sit here today pondering Hope and grateful for it. May the Hope of Easter be with you, not just for a season, but always. Love Ya' All Pastor Rick       

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