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Monday, April 8, 2013


  Often times we look at the apostle Paul and see in his life that when he was "Sifted" in terms of how strong he was in his faith we see him as failing time and again. But let's take another look, After he denied Christ three times as Jesus had told him he would, I see a man looking into the eyes of Christ and melting inside. Scripture tells us that he "Wept bitterly". In Hebrew it means that "he cried a piercing, violent cry". I try to picture him running off , falling to the ground with his hands outstretched crying out to the Father, "He was right, I did not listen, forgive me Father for I love your Son". Like Peter there are times when our Faith will be "Sifted". And there will be times when we think that we have failed God, family and church miserably. But in the aftermath of those times if you find yourself repentant and seeking God's face, you and I have simply stumbled a bit. In those times Satan wants us to beat ourselves up and to think that God wants nothing to do with us. But DO NOT listen to him, he is a liar! For God loves us even in the midst of our struggles and failures. Just look what he did thru Peter and now imagine what He can do thru you! Love ya' All Pastor Rick  

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